Jan 11, 2010

Link people through interest, books, TV, movie, sports, travel, virtual room, etc.

People are dating because they need to find suitable life (or at least for sometimes) partners. In building a dating profile, you want to use information to enable their reach. We can establish linkage to 43things (interest), Douban (book/movie/TV), Travel, Game, blah, blah so that the members can search, link and share. We should bring SinaShow etc. also to the picture. (not facebook and linkedin though). They may import/export stuff from these interest profile so that they can still keep their privacy. So the 3 key themes:

1. Who you are (profile engine -> 43things -> interest sites)
2. What can you do (virtual meeting place)
3. How can you get people to know you (advertise)

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